Server.IT Data Center Quality Certifications

Ensuring Security, Reliability, and Performance with Certifications

The security, reliability, and performance of data centers are more crucial than ever. International certifications are a key pillar in ensuring that technological infrastructures meet strict quality standards. Server.IT is highly committed to maintaining and exceeding these standards by acquiring and constantly renewing globally recognized certifications. This commitment translates into greater trust for our clients, ensuring that their data is managed in environments that comply with the most stringent regulations in terms of security, quality management, and information protection. With Server.IT, companies can rely on hosting solutions that not only meet but often exceed market expectations in terms of reliability and performance.

additional dedicated server services

ISO/IEC 27001:2022 Certification

Virtual Solution Srl is proud to be ISO/IEC 27001:2022 certified, the international standard for Information Security Management System, Cybersecurity, and Privacy Protection.

This certification covers the design and delivery of Cloud Computing and Cloud Storage services, Housing and Collocation, Email, Internet Domains, IT Security, and Disaster Recovery, ensuring our clients the highest levels of data protection.

ISO/IEC 27001:2022 Certification - Server.IT

Excellence Certifications
The Secure Core of Server.IT's Italian Data Centers

We Guarantee Internationally Rated Reliability and Performance

To ensure the full and effective implementation of its policies and processes, data centers maintain ISO Certifications, renewing them annually through audits conducted by an independent, internationally accredited external body. This ongoing commitment ensures that the services provided meet the highest quality and security standards.

ISO 9001 - Quality Management System

The data center management system at Server.IT, defined according to the ISO 9001 standard, certifies the optimization of business processes, aiming to improve effectiveness and efficiency in service delivery for Enterprise clients.

This certification ensures that every operational aspect is managed in the best possible way, guaranteeing superior performance and high customer satisfaction.

additional dedicated server services

ISO 14001 - Environmental Management System

Thanks to the environmental management system in place, Server.IT's data centers ensure the control of environmental aspects related to their activities, set objectives, and develop projects to help combat climate change and promote sustainable development.

This approach highlights Server.IT's commitment to reducing environmental impact and promoting eco-friendly business practices.

additional dedicated server services

ISO 27001 - Information Security Management System

Aware of the importance of information security and data privacy and protection, Server.IT implements advanced controls in its Data Centers, extending the ISO 27001 certification to the ISO 27035 standard for incident management, ISO 27701 for privacy management, and ISO 27017 and 27018 for cloud service security and privacy.

This expansion of certifications demonstrates Server.IT's commitment to safeguarding client data and providing secure and reliable cloud services.

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CSA STAR (Security, Trust, Assurance, and Risk) Level 2

The security of cloud services offered by Server.IT data centers is guaranteed by adherence to the CSA (Cloud Security Alliance) Cloud Controls Matrix criteria. The CSA STAR Level 2 certification, based on third-party assessment, validates the use of best practices and security measures in Server.IT's cloud offerings for its customers.

This ensures that the services provided meet the highest international standards of security and reliability.

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ISO 45001 - Occupational Health and Safety Management System

The management system adopted by Server.IT data centers includes measures that exceed current regulatory obligations, aimed at safeguarding health and safety at work. This approach is designed to ensure an increasing level of well-being for everyone working at Server.IT, whether they are direct employees or external supplier workers.

This policy demonstrates Server.IT's commitment to a safe and responsible work environment.

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SA8000 - Social Responsibility Management System

The management system adopted by Server.IT data centers ensures the implementation of business management based on the protection and respect for social responsibility.

Objectives are defined to continuously improve the well-being of those working at Server.IT and the partnerships with its supply chain partners. This approach underscores Server.IT's commitment to ethical and sustainable practices in its operational environment.

additional dedicated server services

The Distinctive Mark of Server.IT Data Centers

Excellence and Continuous Innovation to Exceed Expectations

additional dedicated server services

Server.IT data centers stand out for their proactive and responsible approach to certification and compliance with international standards.

The goal of these certifications is not just to comply with regulations, but to go beyond, striving for continuous improvement in all aspects of data management and security. This commitment translates into a constant evolution of our processes and services, ensuring that every operational aspect not only meets but exceeds expectations.

The certifications obtained by Server.IT data centers are tangible proof of this relentless drive for excellence, reflecting the high responsibility the company assumes in terms of security, data privacy, and environmental impact. Through these initiatives, Server.IT demonstrates its daily commitment to excellence and customer trust.

All Server.IT Data Center Certifications

Server.IT data center certification
ISO 9001

Quality Management System

Server.IT data center certification
ISO/IEC 27001

Information Security Management System

Server.IT data center certification
ISO/IEC 20000-1

International Standard for IT Service Management

Server.IT data center certification
ISO 14001

Environmental Management System

Server.IT data center certification
ISO 45001

Occupational Health and Safety Management System

Server.IT data center certification
ISO 22301

Business Continuity Management System

Server.IT data center certification
UNI/PDR 125:2022

Gender Equality Management System

Server.IT data center certification

in SAP HANA Operations

Server.IT data center certification

in Hosting Operations

Server.IT data center certification

in Cloud and Infrastructure Operations

Server.IT data center certification

Avalon 3 Data Center

Server.IT data center certification

Avalon 3 Data Center

Server.IT data center certification

Professional Service Provider

Server.IT data center certification

Server.IT data center certification

Avalon Campus

Server.IT data center certification

For IT service management

Server.IT data center certification

For IT service management

Server.IT data center certification

For Project Management activities

Server.IT data center certification

For Project Management activities

Server.IT data center certification

Project Management Professional Certification

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