Server.IT Specialized Support

Do you have a problem and don't know how to solve it?

Is your technician unreachable?
Contact our specialized technical support.
You will have one of our technicians available for 1 hour.

The specialized support service offers advanced and comprehensive assistance related to Hosting, VPS, and Dedicated Server services.

supporto migrazione

Intervento Tecnico Standard

A one-time intervention by one of our System Administrators for technical issues. This intervention lasts 60 minutes, and if more time is needed, additional interventions can be purchased. All interventions related to website programming and debugging are excluded.

Standard Support
da 29.90 €/hour + VAT

Intervento Tecnico Notturno

Emergency intervention by one of our System Administrators during nighttime hours (6:00 PM – 8:00 AM) for technical issues related to Hosting, VPS, and Dedicated Servers. This intervention lasts 60 minutes, and if more time is needed, additional interventions can be purchased. All interventions related to website programming and debugging are excluded.

Nighttime Support
da 49.90 €/hour + VAT

Before we activate, the timing and methods of support will be made known. It is always better to schedule spot support in advance to minimize disruptions.
It is our policy to provide support assistance only on our equipment and not on third-party and/or competitor services.

Didn't find the solution you were looking for?

Contact one of our sales representatives

Specify what you are looking for, your budget, and activation times, and one of our technicians will respond to you very quickly with all the requested information.

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