Your Partner for Proxmox Cluster

Optimization, Scalability, and Security: Transform Your Proxmox Cluster into a Pillar of Your IT Infrastructure

All in three simple steps:

1. Quickly contact our support team
2. Describe and analyze the issue with qualified personnel
3. Sit back, we'll solve the issue for you in no time!
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Proxmox with
Your Cluster Like You've Never Seen It Before

From Integrity Analysis to Malware Removal and even the most complex transfers.
We take care of everything.

Proxmox Cluster with Server.IT

Our Proxmox Services

Proxmox Installation

Our expert team will assist you in installing Proxmox VE, ensuring an optimal configuration for your needs. You'll be ready to take advantage of Proxmox's advanced features quickly and efficiently.

Proxmox Configuration

Configuring a Proxmox Cluster requires specialized skills. Let our experts handle the complex challenges for you. We will configure your cluster to maximize performance and ensure future scalability.

Proxmox Maintenance

A Proxmox Cluster requires constant management to ensure smooth operation. We offer proactive and reactive maintenance services to keep your environment running efficiently and securely.

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Proxmox Service by
Some of Our Proxmox Services Tailored to Your Needs

Proxmox Version Upgrade

Upgrade Now and Harness the Full Power of Proxmox!

(Cost for 3 nodes)
360,00 240,00 + VAT
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NB: The amount indicated is a starting price that may vary during the specific quote process based on the client's requests.

Never Lose a Bit: Proxmox Data Recovery Service by Server.IT

Never Lose a Bit: Proxmox Data Recovery Service by Server.IT

240,00 160,00 + VAT
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NB: The amount indicated is a starting price that may vary during the specific quote process based on the client's requests.

Cluster Migration

Tired of Your Old Configuration? Migrate Your Proxmox Cluster Now!

For 3 nodes (20 VPS per node, same version)
600,00 399,00 + VAT
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NB: The amount indicated is a starting price that may vary during the specific quote process based on the client's requests.

Hardening / Cluster Security Enhancement

A Proxmox Cluster That's Hacker-Proof? Contact Us Now!

(Cluster with 3 nodes)
399,00 239,00 + VAT
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NB: The amount indicated is a starting price that may vary during the specific quote process based on the client's requests.

Why Choose

Experience, Innovation, and Continuous Support: Three Good Reasons to Entrust Your Proxmox Cluster to Us


Our team has years of experience managing Proxmox clusters, ensuring a reliable and well-configured solution.

Continuous Support

We are here for you 24/7, ready to address any issue or support request.

Tailored Solutions

Every environment is unique. We work with you to create custom solutions that meet your specific needs.


The security of your data is paramount. We implement best practices to ensure the protection of your systems.

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Didn't find the solution you were looking for?

Contact one of our sales representatives

Specify what you are looking for, your budget, and activation times, and one of our technicians will respond to you very quickly with all the requested information.

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