The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), also known as EU Regulation 679/2016, is a European Union regulation concerning the processing of personal data and privacy of EU citizens and residents. The regulation became fully effective on May 25, 2018.
The regulation applies to the processing of personal data and the non-automated processing of data stored in a "file," defined (Art. 2 and 4) similarly to the term "database." The regulation also applies to companies, organizations, and entities, including those based outside the EU, that process personal data of EU residents, regardless of the location(s) of the storage (storage) and processing systems (servers). According to the regulation, personal data includes any type of information relating to an individual concerning their private, professional, or public life.
Virtual Solution Srl has always been committed to promoting a policy of transparency and correct management of our customers' data.
SSL and HTTPS Certificates
This type of protocol ensures secure communication on the network using encrypted connections thanks to the use of TLS or SSL.
Encrypted Passwords
Passwords are kept safe through SHA256-HMAC encryption for both hosting services and email.
Daily Backups
All hosting services include daily geolocated backups.
Antivirus, Antispam, and Anti-Malware
Our team constantly monitors the systems to prevent any type of attack or intrusion.
Encrypted SMTPs, POP3s, and IMAPs Protocols
These protocols guarantee a high level of security for your email transmission.
No Data Mining
Virtual Solution does NOT perform any "extraction" of data from customers' emails.
24h System Updates
All systems are updated daily to ensure maximum security for our customers.
Redundant Hardware
The entire hardware infrastructure is redundant.
Specify what you are looking for, your budget, and activation times, and one of our technicians will respond to you very quickly with all the requested information.
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