Cloud Optimization and Cost Reduction

Optimize Cloud Processes and Costs with Server.IT

Do you want to optimize your company's IT infrastructure without sacrificing efficiency and reliability? Discover how Server.IT can turn your vision into reality, ensuring significant savings and high performance. Contact us for a free and personalized consultation: together, we will evaluate the best cloud solutions tailored to your specific needs, giving you a competitive advantage in the market.
Don’t wait, start your journey towards innovation and savings with Server.IT today.

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Cloud and Resource & Cost Optimization

Server.IT can provide custom Cloud Solutions tailored to the client’s requests and project specifications.

What kind of savings can be achieved compared to the typical solutions offered by the current market leaders?

Cloud and Resource & Cost Optimization

Server.IT vs Major International Providers

Savings up to 40% Compared to Major International Providers

Compared to Major International Providers, it is possible to offer solutions that bring a savings of 30-40%.

While they may not include all the AI or scaling plugins offered by Major International Providers, and API functionalities may not be present, the economic savings and performance are guaranteed.

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Estimated savings of 40€ per 100€ spent compared to providers such as AWS, Azure, or Google*
Estimated savings of 40€ per 100€ spent compared to providers such as AWS, Azure, or Google*
*Note: These savings are purely indicative and have been estimated based on quotes analyzed in the past 6 months.

Server.IT vs National Telecom Providers

Savings up to 50% Compared to National Telecom Providers

Savings of 40-50%. In this case, the cost centers related to Server.IT's offerings are very simple, and the ability to manage custom offers with quick turnaround times makes the offering very appealing both for implementation times (project and setup) and for startup and maintenance costs.

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Estimated savings of 50€ per 100€ spent compared to providers such as TIM, Vodafone, Wind*
Estimated savings of 50€ per 100€ spent compared to providers such as TIM, Vodafone, Wind*
*Note: These savings are purely indicative and have been estimated based on quotes analyzed in the past 6 months.

Server.IT vs Leading National Providers

Savings of 20-30% Compared to Leading National Providers

We achieve these results thanks to specific economies of scale, smart hardware choices, license selection, and process optimization.

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Estimated savings of 30€ per 100€ spent compared to Leading National Providers*
Estimated savings of 30€ per 100€ spent compared to Leading National Providers*
*Note: These savings are purely indicative and have been estimated based on quotes analyzed in the past 6 months.

How Can Savings of 20-50% Be Achieved Compared to the Market?

All Cloud solutions are built on the following cost centers, and we can work on each one to reach the predefined budget.

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Server.IT can offer its own servers (Enterprise Series) with high performance at very competitive prices compared to well-known providers, as they come from the parallel market. A flexible monthly rental fee can be arranged, compatible with corporate budgets, offering immediate tax relief compared to hardware purchases.

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In a Cloud solution, the Network can be a significant cost, especially when working with leading brands like Cisco. Server.IT is able to design solutions requiring lower budgets for the same resources while maintaining the same brand. These savings come from smart hardware selection and project design.

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All Cloud Solutions require data storage within one or more devices, commonly referred to as SAN, or across multiple nodes if opting for hyperconvergence. Efficiency can be achieved by choosing scalable Petasan solutions and system redundancy. The choice of license (commercial or open-source) also plays a key role in optimizing the project.

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The choice of backup must align with the amount of data to be secured and the recovery times required by the project. Typically, optimal storage matrices are calculated, and then proprietary or open-source technology is chosen.

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If opting for a fully Open Source Cluster, Server.IT offers Proxmox + Petasan, with no licensing costs, only system management support. If opting for commercial solutions, VMware can be proposed, and savings can be found by choosing customized licenses based on the project. Significant savings can be ensured, and the same applies to backup software licenses: costs can vary widely depending on requirements (sometimes by tens of thousands of euros).

Revolutionize Your Cloud Management with Server.IT

Maximum Freedom and Long-Term Savings

If you have the ability to act on all layers of the project and can work with maximum freedom in technology choices, you can achieve significant long-term savings and efficiency improvements.

Virtual Solution Srl, owner of the Server.IT brand, has been in the market since 1999 and has developed the know-how to manage both commercial and open-source cloud solutions capable of meeting all types of business needs.

We manage clouds with over 30 nodes without any commercial license costs.

We are available for analysis activities related to the optimization of cloud projects and the potential for cost reduction.

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Cloud Management with Server.IT

Quick Answers

Server.IT, thanks to its experience since 1999, is able to offer tailored cloud solutions that provide savings of 20% to 50% compared to market leaders. This is achieved through cost optimization in hardware, network, storage, backup, and licenses, as well as by selecting high-performance hardware at competitive prices.

Once the budget is approved, the implementation timelines for migration are fast. Within 30/40 days, initial tests are carried out, allowing the migration of instances to proceed efficiently.

Yes, Server.IT is able to provide fully customized cloud solutions, tailored to the specific needs of each client and their projects. This includes the management of both commercial and open-source solutions, adaptable to any business requirement.

Compared to major national providers, Server.IT offers savings of 20% to 50%, thanks to economies of scale, optimal hardware and license selection, and efficiency in the optimization process. Additionally, it offers highly competitive startup and implementation times.

Yes, by renting Server.IT's servers, it is possible to agree on a flexible monthly fee, compatible with company budgets, and benefit from immediate tax advantages compared to hardware purchases.

Absolutely. For those who prefer fully open-source solutions, Server.IT offers configurations based on Proxmox + Petasan, completely eliminating licensing costs while providing dedicated support for system management.

The key factors include the ability to work on all layers of the project, access to high-performance servers at competitive costs, optimized network and storage solutions, and strategic choices in terms of backup and licenses, both commercial and open-source.

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