Smart CDN
First on Search Engines

Smart CDN is a Software as a Service (SaaS) platform

No hardware or software installation is required, nor any code modification.

It's that simple, a turnkey solution, ready to use with just a few clicks.
Smart CDN works as a cloud-based proxy that performs on-the-fly optimizations on HTML pages regardless of the CMS used, without modifying a single line of code on the source CMS.

Try Smart CDN for Free

Want to discover the impact Smart CDN can have on your site? Get the free trial

Within 48 hours, you will see if significant improvements can be made to your specific site without modifying any code.

How Smart CDN Works

Smart CDN - Primi sui Motori di Ricerca
Smart CDN - Primi sui Motori di Ricerca

Top Positions on Search Engines

If performance is there and all optimization parameters are met, the site rises in the search engine SERP, and the benefits in terms of organic traffic are clear. The budget spent on this technology is fully compensated by the increase in organic traffic and the savings on hosting plan costs.

Distribution Designed to Maximize Performance

Redefining the logic and sequences of Smart CDN optimizes your website's content, the proprietary CDN optimizes content distribution. The combination of the cloud proxy, the CDN, and the neural network applied to the website together enables maximum performance, no matter your audience. Continuous optimization is achieved through our AI's learning process.

Designed to Integrate with Akamai, Cloudflare, and Leading CDNs

Of course, you can keep your existing CDN, and the Smart CDN team will identify the most suitable configuration based on your current distribution architecture.

Additional Services

Optimization of the Distribution Chain

Redefining the logic and sequences of the site's distribution chain with continuous optimization through our AI's learning process.

Code Optimization

Minification and compression of each object's code (JS, CSS, …)

Image Optimization

Cutting and resizing images for each type of device without quality loss, and automatic conversion of images to WEBP format.

HTML Code Optimization

Dynamic management of cached HTML through artificial intelligence.

Compare CDN Plans

Choose your CDN plan Scegli il tuo piano hosting



/month + VAT

up to 100GB.
after € 2,00/100GB

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/month + VAT

up to 100GB.
after € 2,00/100GB

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Site Speed ​​Up disponibile disponibile disponibile
Mitigation Peaks Visits disponibile disponibile disponibile

Image Optimization non-disponibile disponibile disponibile
Responsive Image (Correct Size) non-disponibile disponibile disponibile
CSS Optimization non-disponibile disponibile disponibile
JS Optimization non-disponibile disponibile disponibile
Lazy Loading non-disponibile disponibile disponibile

SSL included non-disponibile disponibile disponibile
Replace Tag non-disponibile disponibile disponibile
Google Speed ​​Performances non-disponibile disponibile disponibile
Replace tag title non-disponibile disponibile disponibile

Smart Functions Customization non-disponibile non-disponibile disponibile
Customization SEO Functions non-disponibile non-disponibile disponibile

Choose your CDN plan Scegli il tuo piano hosting



/month + VAT

up to 100GB.
after € 2/100GB

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/month + VAT

up to 100GB.
after € 2/100GB

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Compatible with all CMS and custom solutions


Domande frequenti

WordPress technology is widely used, and it is well known that some templates are visually appealing but difficult to manage due to their complexity or page load weight.
In other cases, WordPress may have a heavily populated article database, which tends to slow things down. In these cases, cache plugins like Varnish or other technologies are often used, but they don't always behave as expected because some dynamic content might remain cached and not get properly updated.
In this case, Smart CDN, once properly configured, handles everything externally and adjusts itself within 48 hours based on the template used.

Smart CDN also integrates perfectly with WooCommerce technology, significantly improving performance both in terms of page loading times and the smoothness of the shopping experience.
Google Speed will immediately recognize and appreciate the improved performance.

Prestashop is a widely used ecommerce engine that allows for the management of many purchasing options at a very low technological cost.
However, sometimes a significant intervention is needed to improve certain performances, which can decline as the product database or options matrix grows. Smart CDN noticeably speeds up the homepage and product pages, making the site more aligned with Google's guidelines without the need to modify code or images.

Magento technology imposes high optimization and development costs, but with the use of this technology, benefits can be achieved immediately, both in terms of individual page speed and the overall shopping experience.
Within 24 hours, Smart CDN will understand the template and dynamic values of the pages, improving performance.
All of these benefits are possible without modifying a single line of code.

By following the dedicated link or contacting us, you can request a free 30-day test tailored to your specific site.
The test consists of a brief audit with one of our technicians to understand the site's challenges and business model. Then, a custom environment is configured and goes through a 24-hour adjustment phase.
Afterward, a TEST URL is provided, which has nothing to do with the original site but replicates all the content and allows you to experience the performance benefits. If the performance criteria are met, the solution goes into production.
If any issues arise, they will be resolved. During the testing phase, no server-side code on the original site is modified: the test is non-invasive. During the test, stress tests can also be conducted without compromising the original site.

In most cases, Smart CDN proves to be a cost-saving solution for the following reasons:

  • Improving performance leads to increased organic traffic.
  • Significantly reduces hosting costs by lowering both traffic and the number of server requests.
  • Decreases intervention and control costs on programming and cron jobs that manage system caches.
  • Allows quick optimization of tags required by Google without modifying the code.
    If you have a network of similar sites, such as news outlets or classified websites, they can all be managed by changing just a few parameters.

If your system is hosted on these platforms, there is no issue, and the results will exceed expectations:

  • Major hosting platforms do not have data centers in Italy, which causes delays in the last mile.
  • A Smart CDN is still a system to significantly speed up your website.
  • If you have a consumption-based contract, you will notice cost savings since the Smart CDN will handle a large portion of the traffic, reducing the server's resource load.
  • You can activate the CDN without migrating your hosting.

If you have an e-commerce site with a high daily visitor count (over 5,000 unique users per day), you can activate custom plans based on discounts due to agreements considering time factors and special hosting offers.
The goal is to ensure guaranteed hosting savings for the duration of the agreement, as well as better performance.

If you experience intense traffic spikes, Smart CDN is the best solution. It manages the problem with very low operational costs and zero development costs. It acts as an intermediary between the hosting system and users, reducing server requests.
This is particularly valuable for industries that rely on content-based websites that generate revenue from advertisements (banners, links, or clicks).

At any time, you can reconfigure the DNS and stop the service. SmartCDN technology is non-invasive and can be disabled at any moment.

Didn't find the solution you were looking for?

Contact one of our sales representatives

Specify what you are looking for, your budget, and activation times, and one of our technicians will respond to you very quickly with all the requested information.

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