Domain Status on Server.IT

In managing domains on Server.IT, it is essential to understand the meaning of each domain status to effectively navigate through the various processes of registration, transfer, and renewal.

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Domain Status on the Server.IT Customer Panel

In managing domains on Server.IT, it is essential to understand the meaning of each domain status to effectively navigate through the various processes of registration, transfer, and renewal. Below, we provide a detailed overview of each domain status, offering the necessary information to best manage your domain names.


After submitting the registration request for a new domain, it will temporarily enter the Pending status. This phase indicates that the registration is in progress but not yet completed. If the domain remains in this status for an extended period, there may have been an error in the input of data such as the tax code, VAT number, phone number, or postal code. It is important to verify the provided information and, if necessary, contact support to resolve any discrepancies.



An Active status indicates that the domain has been successfully registered and is fully operational. An active domain means that it can be used for your website, email services, and other online presence functionalities.



When a domain reaches its expiration date without being renewed, it enters the Expired status. In this state, the domain stops functioning, and its renewal becomes urgent to avoid entering the redemption grace period.

Redemption Period

After expiring, the domain enters the grace period or Redemption Period. During this interval, which lasts about 15-20 days, it is still possible to renew the domain, usually at a slightly higher cost, to recover ownership before it becomes available to the public.


If a domain is not renewed during the grace period, it will be deleted. However, there is still a brief window of time, between 5 and 10 days after the end of the grace period, during which the domain may be recoverable upon specific request to support, before it becomes available for registration by new owners.


A Cancelled status indicates that the domain has been voluntarily deleted before its expiration. This action is final for the current registration period.


The Transferred status occurs when a domain has been moved from Server.IT to a new service provider. This status indicates that the transfer has been successfully completed.


This status appears when a domain is being transferred from another provider to Server.IT. Transfer times vary depending on the domain extension:

  • for a .it domain, the transfer takes about 24 hours from initiation;
  • for a .com domain, it takes about 5-7 business days;
  • for a .eu domain, the transfer can take up to 14 days.


Understanding the status of your domain is crucial for effective online presence management. If you have any doubts or need assistance with specific situations, our support team is always available to provide the necessary help.

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