How to Open a Ticket on Server.IT

Opening a ticket on Server.IT is not just a means to resolve any technical issues but also a way to optimize the use of your digital resources. Our specialized staff is ready to provide you with effective and personalized responses, ensuring that each of your requests receives the attention it deserves.

rappresentazione di server dedicati

Steps to Follow for Creating a Support Ticket on Server.IT

To submit a ticket for a product purchased on Server.IT, you first need to log in to your personal area from the account menu on or by typing the URL into your browser.


Once logged in, from your personal dashboard, hover your mouse over support. A pop-up menu will appear offering a series of actions, including opening a ticket.


After clicking on Open Ticket, you will need to choose the category relevant to your issue.


Once the category is selected, you just need to fill out the support request form with the issue you want to report.
Remember: the clearer the request, the faster the response from our support department will be.


You can also attach images or videos to support your issue, just make sure the attachment does not exceed 2 MB.

Once the support request is completed and submitted, you will receive a confirmation message. At this point, you just need to wait for the status update of your ticket.


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